Reduce, Reuse, Recoup. How to Reduce Waste In Your Training Room

Your training room should be a stress-free environment. It should require the least amount of maintenance possible and the least amount of work to make sure you are ready to help athletes recover. This means that the tools you are using need to be efficient and reusable. You shouldn't have to worry about filling ice cups, buying saran wrap, cleaning up a mess, etc. The Cryosphere and Cryosleeve are the solution to keeping your training room clean and eco-friendly.

Reduce, Reuse, Recoup. How to Reduce Waste In Your Training Room and Save Money

The Cryosphere (ice cup replacement)

The Cryosphere was designed to replace the ice cup, but it does that and so much more. One Cryosphere stays cold for 6 hours, that is enough time to treat 12-16 athletes, just give it a quick wipe down with disinfectant spray and a rag in between sessions to keep it clean and you are good to go. Now think of the time you save yourself. 12-16 athletes is 12-16 ice cups. 12-16 ice cups that you had to make sure you filled, put in the freezer, and then prepped to be used on the skin. On top of that, you have water dripping all over so you need towels to keep your training room dry. Let’s say it takes you 1 minute per cup between filling, peeling, and cleaning up. If you are seeing 10-20 athletes a day, that’s 10-20 minutes a day, 1-2 hours a week, 4-8 hours a month. Almost 1 day a month can be saved by using a reusable solution such as the cryosphere for all of your ice cup needs.

the cryosleeve
Reduce, Reuse, Recoup. How to Reduce Waste In Your Training Room and Save Money

The Cryosleeve (ice pack replacement)

The Cryosleeve set out to solve two problems, easy icing and easy 360 compression. With the Cryosleeve you are replacing your need for daily use of ace bandages, ice packs, and saran wrap. Now I don't need to get into the specifics of how long it takes to get your athletes wrapped up in an ice pack with saran wrap because you know that it takes some time. It also isn't something the athlete can always do themselves. With multiple Cryosleeves you can have a room full of athletes recovering at the same time with out you having to go around and individual wrap each one of them. They can show up together and leave together allowing you to be more efficient with your time and space.

Saran Wrap, ace bandage, and ice packs
Reduce, Reuse, Recoup. How to Reduce Waste In Your Training Room and Save Money

Together the Cryosphere and Cryosleeve will allow you to replace most of the wasteful and messy tools that you might have in use already. Here are some of those tools we set out to replace -

  • saran wrap
  • ice bags
  • ice packs
  • ace bandages
  • ice cups
  • towels

Reduce, reuse, and Recoup to save yourself time and money. The sooner you make the switch the sooner you can make your training room more efficient than ever.

Reduce, Reuse, Recoup. How to Reduce Waste In Your Training Room and Save Money






Do you guys have one of these for the shoulder too?

Richard Valencia May 18, 2021

When will your cold roller ball be available.? I would like to order 4.
Thank you

Erin October 26, 2020

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