Guide to Conquering Muscle Pain



Muscle pain, also known as myalgia, occurs when muscles receive too much exercise or as a sign of infection, injury, disease or other type of disorder. Muscle pain can be limited to certain areas, which makes it easier to pinpoint the problem, but many people experience general muscle pain throughout their bodies. Pain pills, hot and cold therapies, rest and other methodologies are used -- including myriad home remedies -- but the best treatments for muscle pains always involve scientific methodology to treat the sources of pain and relieve the symptoms of injuries and disease.

What Causes Muscle Pain?

As stated in the overview section, muscle pain can be caused by a host of injuries, diseases, health disorders or exercise distress. According to fitness experts, experiencing a certain amount of pain can be healthy symptoms of the breakdown and rebuilding of muscle tissue that accounts for muscular growth and strength conditioning.

How to Relieve Muscle Pain

Most muscle pain results from specific actions, and the Recoup Fitness Recovery Center is built to address specific types of pain to get relief and learn to accept certain levels of pain as the price of building muscle, strengthening the body and learning new techniques. The steps for relieving muscle pain include:

  • Identify the cause of the pain.
  • Rest and elevate the painful area.
  • Use a compression sleeve, bandage or wrap.
  • Alternate between ice and heat treatments.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever.
  • Soak in a warm bath with Epsom salts.

Identification of the Source of Pain

Identifying what causes your pain comprises the first step of successfully conquering the pain. Muscle pain occurs on a daily basis, but most people learn to ignore minor aches and pains. Overusing particular muscles ranks as the most common source of localized pain, and injuring the muscles, commonly called strains, also produce pain.

Certain viral infections, other health disorders and some medications also generate pain, which often affects different areas of the body. These disorders include influenza, hyperthyroidism and fibromyalgia, which can generate systemic pain, discomfort and even functional difficulties. There are many causes of pain -- including psychological pain -- but for treatment purposes, it’s best to divide pain into two categories: localized muscle pain and systemic pain.

Localized Muscle Pain

Localized pain occurs when muscles become damaged from an injury, excessive activity or activity you’re not used to performing. Pain might be caused by muscle strain, cramps or spasms, fatigue or dehydration.

Recoup Cold Recovery Kit. Includes Ice Massage and an Ice Compression sleeve.
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit. Includes Ice Massage and an Ice Compression sleeve.
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Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit

Recoup Cold Recovery Kit

$ 152.98

Combine the benefits of Ice + Compression & Massage with products. Activate your Cryosphere in the freezer for 2 hours and use your Cryosphere for up to 6 hours of ice cold muscle relief. Our patent-pending 2 in 1 design allows the user to access the free-rolling Cryosphere for mobility and total-body use.

The Recoup Cryosleeve feat. BOA® Fit System redefines cold therapy and recovery by combining 360° cooling and customized compression

Systemic Pain

Systemic pain can result from infections, underlying illnesses or the side effects of medications. Generally, systemic pain can affect any of the muscles in your body. Infections can generate fevers, aches and pains, sore throats, nausea, headaches and unnatural fatigue. Possible sources of infection include:

  • Malaria
  • Lyme disease
  • Inflicted injuries
  • Trichinosis
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Medication side effects

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome can generate extreme fatigue, muscle and joint pain and mental focusing and memory problems.

Systemic pain can result from infections, underlying illnesses or the side effects of medications. Generally, systemic pain can affect any of the muscles in your body. Infections can generate fevers, aches and pains, sore throats, nausea, headaches and unnatural fatigue. Possible sources of infection include:

What Helps Muscle Pain?

At Recoup Fitness, we focus on the specific exercises and support items needed to reduce your level of pain. Any repetitive exercise puts pressure on the muscles and joints -- especially the knees and hips. The best general way to reduce your level of pain is known as the R.I.C.E. method:

  • Rest: After receiving any minor injury, it’s important to rest and analyze the extent of your injury.
  • Ice: Icing the injury for about 30 minutes reduces swelling and inflammation.
  • Compression: It’s critical for recovering quickly to compress the injured area. After icing, warm compression works best for reducing pain and increasing blood flow to the area to stimulate healing.
  • Elevation: Regardless of your resting position, it’s important to elevate the injured area above the level of your heart to reduce swelling.

Our highly recommended supplies are perfect for treating various injuries and sources of pain, but you can’t use them if you don’t have them. That’s why we recommend adding these items to your first aid supplies, especially if you’re physically active. Our treatment supplies for reducing pain and symptoms of injuries include:

  • Compression Arm Sleeves - our arm sleeves are perfect for treating elbow injuries and pain. The sleeves cover the injured area 360-degrees and enable custom compression levels.
  • Leg and Knee Compression Sleeves - our leg and knee compression sleeves deliver hot or cold therapy to painful leg and knee muscles. Just slide the sleeve over the area generating pain, and use the BOA dial to adjust the compression level. The sleeve will stay in place you move and even resume running or exercising.
  • Recoup Fitness Cryosphere - our ice-cold massage roller is an effective way to relieve pain with the dual benefits of ice and massage therapies. You can use the roller on any muscle group of the body to relieve pain, speed healing, increase blood flow and trigger myofascial relief.
  • Wrist Sleeves - our patented design for wrist sleeves enables you to use ice compression on your wrist to relieve the pain of injuries or the discomfort of conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, trigger finger, Dupuytren's Disease or ganglion cysts. You can use the sleeve perfectly on either the left or right hand for sprains, fractures, DeQuervain's tenosynovitis, tendonitis, and other injuries and wrist disorders. One size fits all injured people, and storing the sleeve in the freezer recharges it for one hour or cold compression.

What Does Muscle Pain Feel Like?

Everyone experiences pain differently, and some yogis and mystics walk over burning coals to prove the point that mental strength enables remarkable accomplishments. Most people experience pain as a steady ache or random sharp pains. You might have pain in specific groups of muscles, joint pain or annoying side effects like cramps and spasms.

Regardless of cause, people of all ages experience pain unless they have a central nervous system disorder that interrupts pain signals. Sometimes, pain confirms the effectiveness of your exercise routine by demonstrating the effects of muscle hypertrophy -- the tearing down and rebuilding of muscle tissue. Muscle pains might occur anytime after an exercise session and last up to 48 hours. Using our products can help you conquer this kind of pain as your muscles heal and get stronger.

What to Do for Muscle Pain

You can actually learn to accept and appreciate the burn of exercise-related pain, but the pain from injuries, infections and health disorders are another matter. Healthy, natural treatments work best because they don’t generate side effects, drug addiction or interactions with other medications. Common treatment strategies for relieving muscle pain include these non-invasive techniques:

  • Applying hot and cold compression to the area where the pain originates
  • Exercising the affected area to relieve muscular tightness
  • Mind-body control techniques like yoga
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Using biofeedback to reduce your pain

Leg Muscle Pain

Identifying the causes of long-term leg muscle pain is essential if surgery and other medical treatments become necessary. However, most leg pain comes from common accumulated small injuries, overuse of muscles or injuries to muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. A pantheon of health disorders and diseases can also cause leg pain -- such as blood clots, poor circulation, varicose veins, tendonitis, bone cancer, fractures, sprains, gout, infections, bursitis, arthritis, spinal stenosis and others.

Relief of Leg Pain

Most experts endorse the R.I.C.E. method for relieving leg pain -- rest, icing the source of pain, compressing the area of pain and elevating the area above the heart. Sometimes, pain occurs as a result of dehydration, so be sure to hydrate adequately and restore the body's nutrient supply of potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. You can begin alternating between hot and cold compression treatments while taking over-the-counter pain relieves like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Use our leg and knee compression sleeves for hot and cold compression sessions to relieve pain without side effects, drug interactions and messy ice packs. Gently stretching and massaging the painful area is also recommended, and you can improve your massage technique with Recoup Fitness massage roller.

Arm Muscle Pain

Arm muscle pain can be caused by myriad circumstances that include injuries, over-exertion, aging, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and even an imminent heart attack. Broken bones, sprains and previous sports injuries often generate chronic or sudden attacks of pain. You might have a pinched nerve or poor arm circulation caused by a number of factors. Elbow joint problems are quite common in people of all ages, or you might have contracted an autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome or lupus.

Relief of Arm Muscle Pain

The traditional treatments for arm muscle pain include the same recommendations for treating leg pain. However, you should see a doctor if you experience arm, shoulder and neck pain that increases after any type of exertion. The symptom might indicate heart or circulatory problems. You should also visit a doctor if you hear a cracking or snapping sound after injuring your arm. Most minor arm injuries can be treated with R.I.C.E. techniques and arm support provided by Recoup Fitness arm and elbow sleeves, wrist sleeves and the ice-cold massage roller.

recoup today, feel better tomorrow

Using our natural products ranks as one of the top recovery options for muscle pain in people who live active lifestyles. Recoup today by stocking up on our muscle pain treatment products. Take advantage of free shipping and a 10% discount for buying two or more products. You can replenish your first aid supplies with the best products for muscle pain at a substantial discount.

Recoup Cold Recovery Kit. Includes Ice Massage and an Ice Compression sleeve.
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit. Includes Ice Massage and an Ice Compression sleeve.
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Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit
Recoup Cold Recovery Kit

Recoup Cold Recovery Kit

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